Sunday, December 31, 2017

Acknowledging Ever Present Violence - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most People Realize The Necessity of Physical Self Defense - What About Mental? It's very common to do something to protect your body and your space. Carry mace or a gun. Put up stickers of alarm companies on your house. But what do any of us do to protect our mental space?

Protect Your Most Precious Resource | Mind Persuasion

Many Animals Are Wired To Protect Their Territory - What About You? Most of us will instinctively do something if our homes are invaded. Call the cops, grab a baseball bat, something. But what do you do if your mind is invaded?

How To Be Romantic | Mind Persuasion Archives

Instead Of The Surface Level Elements, Dig Deeper If you say nice things to people, you do so to create those deeper feelings. This why we give each other compliments, in hopes of evoking those feelings that we hope will be reciprocated. But there is a much more powerful and effective way of doing this.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Essential Skills For Chaotic Times - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

The Best Skills Are Always In Demand And Extremely Versatile If you can make a great many people feel good simply by talking to them, you will always be in demand. Economically, socially, and romantically.

Bank Shot Or Kill Shot? | Mind Persuasion

The Long Games Wins Out Nearly All The Time If you want to find the path to your lover's heart, there are two ways. The easy way, which isn't really easy, and rarely works. And the long way, which takes patience, and is almost always worth it in the long run.

How To Find Treasure Everywhere | Mind Persuasion Archives

Treasure Comes In Many Forms - But You've Got To Be Willing To Look The greatest treasure lies in other people. And just like metaphorical pirate treasure, it is well hidden. Luckily, there are some effective ways of finding it if you know where and how to look.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Watch Out For Cracks - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If You Build Something On A Weak Foundation, You Will Regret It If you spend too much time communicating during the early stages of a relationship, you won't create the necessary foundation of natural attraction. The most important things are often the hardest to do.

Mechanics Of Relationships | Mind Persuasion

The Secret To Anything Is Understanding It From Both Sides If you first study something from the outside, it's easy to create from the inside. Studying natural plants can help you create the same garden in your background. The same can be said for human relationships.

Don't Wait 1000 Years | Mind Persuasion Archives

Just Because It's Engineered Doesn't Mean It's Not Natural Many people claim to want things to happen naturally, when in reality they are too afraid to make a move. If you wait for things to happen naturally, you may be waiting a long time.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

You've Had It All Along - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If You Are Waiting For Others To Give You What You Want, You'll Be Waiting A Long Time You have immense power within you. But to tap this massive source of never ending energy, you've got to do things you are afraid to do, and fail. Then do it again, and again until you succeed. Then start over and something even bigger.

Mastering Greed, Fear and Love | Mind Persuasion

All OF Us Share The Same Fears Wants And Desires. Master These, and Master Everything Anybody can take action when it is safe and easy. Anybody can go second. Anybody can make up excuses why they can't get what they want. Very few can take risks, learn from their mistakes, and keep going. What about you?

Who Controls Your Thinking? | Mind Persuasion Archives

Many People Think The Same Thoughts Without Even Thinking About How Or Why They Are Thinking What They Are Thinking The more you feel in control of your life, the more you will be at cause, to the world's effect. That means you have to be one of the rare individuals who makes things happen rather than watching things happen.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Gangster Theory - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Inside, We Are All Very Similar, Which Gives You A Huge Advantage We all want the same thing, and we all have the same fears. It's human nature. The common human experience. Which means you have a huge advantage when it comes to building relationships. All you've got to do is go from your own experiences.

Are You Jumping Without A Parachute? | Mind Persuasion

Getting An Objective View Is A Great Place To Start From Most people wish for good things to happen, and that's the extent of their strategy. Consider doing a couple of extra steps, which may make all the difference.

The Carne Asada Nachos Pattern | Mind Persuasion Archives

If You Always Give Them Good Feelings, They Won't Feel Special The best thing about special feelings is that they are special. They are rare occurrences. Otherwise they would be normal feelings. And normal feelings are what they feel anyway.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Paradox Of Urgency - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

The Most Desirable Things Will Kill Love The Quickest One of the most common ideas if that if we only tell them how we feel, they'll suddenly reciprocate. This, however, is the absolute worst thing you can do.

Plant Emotional Seeds | Mind Persuasion

The Best Seeds In The Best Tended Garden Will Yield The Most Beautiful Flowers Love is like a garden. It takes planning, cultivation, and mostly patience. Waiting is the hardest part. But if you can wait, the results will be spellbinding.

Avoid Cannibal Shortcuts | Mind Persuasion Archives

The More Shortcuts You Take The Longer It Will Take There are many paradoxes in life. If you hurry up and get it done, you'll always be needing to do it over. Not doing what you want to do is the hardest thing that will get the best results.

Monday, December 25, 2017

The Space Between The Notes - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Love Is The Blending Of Precise Science and Indescribable Emotions Music can be described by pure mathematics. Chord relationships, the octave of sounds that keep repeating, above and below the human capacity for hearing. But mathematically definable and describable elements like chords can repeatably create unfathomable emotions.

Scientific Emotions | Mind Persuasion

Put The Right Words In The Right Order And You Can Approximate Lasting Truth If you put the right ingredients in the right order, you can get a delicious cake. If you put the notes in the right order, you will create a breathtaking melody. If you put the right words in the right order, you can create lasting love.

God Is An Artist | Mind Persuasion Archives

Speak The Emotion Of Love And Create Lasting Beauty The right feelings, in the right order, can create a symphony of ecstasy in their mind. Speak the right words in the right order, and you will create an everlasting desire in them for you.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Emotionally Pleasing Science - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Science Is A Fantastic Tool and Gives Us Many Great Things Science makes it easy to travel. Easy to cure many diseases. Easier to grow and ship tons of food so we can enjoy a lot delicious food on the cheap. But science can help us understand love, so that we may create it in others.

Be Their Spark Of Life | Mind Persuasion

One Of The Main Purpose Of Life Is To Find Somebody To Share It With If you want to create a relationship, there are two ways it can happen. Most people do the first way, which is to flail around and hope it just happens. But the second way is much more effective and will give you and your lucky partner much better results.

Find The Shot Down Planes | Mind Persuasion Archives

Copying What Succeeds Is Only Half The Battle If you are going to model success, it's a good start. You can copy what they did to succeed. But if you really intend to do well, you'll also need to know what they didn't do, so you can also not do that. This is the tricky part.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Oscillate Your Thoughts Into Things - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

All Huge Things Must First Be Small Things - All Small Things Must First Be Thoughts The secret of turning thoughts into things is not meditating in secret. It's slowly taking small actions, until you can take bigger actions, until those bigger actions start producing small things, and then bigger things. Before you know it, you've built an empire.

What If Angels Were Watching You? | Mind Persuasion

How Do You Know You Are Being Productive Or Wasting Time? One of our best features as humans is our ability to deceive ourselves. Some of us deceive ourselves for years, and don't realize it until it's way too late. Luckily, the best time to wake up and check your behavior is right now.

Trapped On Demon Planet? | Mind Persuasion Archives

Cycles Are Self Supporting - Both Virtuous and Vicious If you are friendly, people will respond to you a certain way, which will make you happy, which will make you act more friendly. If you are angry, people will respond to you a certain way, which will make you angrier. Luckily, you can choose which one of these cycles you want to live in.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Bust Out Of Your Cage - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

What Is Comfortable And Safe Is Really The Most Dangerous Thing Of All If you want to get more than you have, you've got to do something different. It doesn't have to be big or heroic, but it needs to be something different. And you don't even need to succeed, since ever result will improve your ability to do better next time.

Human Condition On Steroids | Mind Persuasion

If You Don't Prepare For The Big Decisions, You'll Never Make Them We silly humans think we'll be able to rise to the occasion when the need arises. But when the need arises, we don't even notice it. On the other hand, if you decide to practice rising to the occasion, you'll not only notice more opportunities, but you'll be able to rise to them.

Let Your Imagination Lead You | Mind Persuasion Archives

Your Brain Is Your Most Powerful Resource - Do You Use It? To get the best use of your brain, you've got to make a habit of using it correctly. Get started slowly, and then build from there.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Broccoli and Anchovy Sauce Trap - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Without Our Biases, Life Would Be Horribly Confusing Most people think our biases are bad and we need to get rid of them. But without any way to sort through the massive amount of data continuously hitting our senses, we'd be lost. A better idea may be to understand your biases and make sure they are working in your favor.

When Will The Piper Come Knocking? | Mind Persuasion

Everything Costs Something - Especially The Things We Think Are Free If you take a hard look at the costs and benefits of every action, it won't be a lot of fun. But you may find some fantastic things that you never would have otherwise considered.

Whose Thoughts Do You Think? | Mind Persuasion Archives

Your Brain Is Your Post Powerful Asset - And Your Weakest It's very easy live your entire life and have precious few original thoughts. On the other hand, it's very easy to slowly and effectively take over your own brain to create a life of magnificent success.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Bring Your Bear Gun - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

You Can Go All The Way Or Part Way - Which Is Best? A common movie expression is, "Go big or go home!" But unless going big will end with success, going big can be costly and unproductive. Instead, consider going small and consistently, so you can build big gains.

How To Play The Long Game | Mind Persuasion

Whenever Long Game Comes Up Against Short Game, Long Game Always Wins The longer you can plan, the better you'll tend to do. Unfortunately, nearly everybody is trying to force us into daily habits of inability to delay gratification. Start to day and out long game the long gamers.

Daily Empire Building | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Build Your Empire One Step At A Time This is one of those sayings that you apply right here, right now. Choose the smallest thing you can do today to build your empire, and keep doing it every day until your empire is built.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The CIA Easter Bunny Strategy - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

What Does The CIA And the Catholic Church Have In Common? One clever way of persuading somebody is by using what they are always doing, and simply reframing it to suit your own purposes. Many empires were built on this technique. Why not use it yourself?

Why Now Always Beats Later | Mind Persuasion

Putting Things Off Is Easy, But When Will You Do Them? A common tendency to enjoy the good stuff now while putting off the necessary stuff until later. The only thing is that necessary stuff has a tendency to build up until we can't ignore it. Luckily, there is a much better way.

Are They Stealing Your Future? | Mind Persuasion Archives

Your Choices Add Up - But To Whose End? If you aren't control of your daily choices, they still add up. Most of society is organized so we do things that benefit others more than ourselves. Isn't it time to start thinking more proactively?

Monday, December 18, 2017

Bodies In Motion - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Momentum Is The Most Important Aspect Of Any Success The common pitfall of any goal creation process is to start off like gangbusters, lose momentum and then quit. Consider doing the opposite. Starting so slowly that doing it every day is easy. Then the momentum will take care of itself.

Whose Thoughts Are You Thinking? | Mind Persuasion

Unless You Are Very Careful, Your Thoughts Will Run Your Life Most people think the same thoughts every day and do the same things. If you want different results, not only do you have to do different things, but you have to think different thoughts that will lead to you doing different things.

The Collapse Of The Averages | Mind Persuasion Archives

No Matter What Is Happening, Reversion To The Mean Is Inevitable If you want to create big changes in your life, you'll need to do dramatically different things. Do get into the habit of doing those dramatically different things, you'll need to do some medium sized different things long enough until they are familiar. To get to those medium sized different things, you'll need to do some very simple things long enough until they become familiar. What are you waiting for?

Never Need Willpower Again - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Willpower Gets A Bad Rap, But Only Because It's Not Really Necessary If you try to do anything by using willpower, it's not the best way. The best way to is set up your present and future states in a way that doesn't require willpower at all. Once you've figured this part out, everything is smooth sailing.

Waiting For Magic Corn | Mind Persuasion

Most People Wish For Instant Results Without Any Effort If you want to grow a garden, you've not only got to plant the right seeds, but you've got to keep the weeds from growing. This is true of your actions just as much as for your thoughts. Watch both carefully, and you can create anything.

Speak To Their Deeper Structure | Mind Persuasion Archives

The Words We Speak Are Only The Tip Of The Communication Iceberg If you want to speak to them so they'll hear and understand you, you've got to understand them on a much deeper level. Luckily, all of us humans have very similar desire structures on the inside.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Eggs In The Coffee Machine - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most Things We Recognize As Skills That Need Practice - Except The Most Important One If you practice something, you will get much better. There are many things we can practice. How to play the piano. How to juggle. How to make a birdhouse. But the most important skills, how we communicate, is something few people ever think to practice.

Three Operator Mindset | Mind Persuasion

Sometimes You Think It's One When It's Really Two And Then Some If you are arguing with a friend, you could see it as one against one. Or you could see it as two against one. You, and the part of your friend that wants to go along with your idea, vs. the part of your friend that doesn't want to go along with your idea.

How To Speak Magic Spells | Mind Persuasion Archives

It's No Coincidence That Magic Spells And Words Spelled Correctly Use The Same Idea If you wanted to create a magic spell, you would need to say the write words in the right order. If you want to say a word, you'd need to spell the word correctly. The same word, spell, is not an accident. Word put together in the right order can have profound effects on the minds of your listeners.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Black Belt Language Patterns - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Some Skills Take Plenty Of Time To Learn But Are Well Worth It Many people are looking for "one weird trick" that will make everything easier. But many things require skills that require practice. So if you practice, you'll get the skills to get the things you want. Some skills that few know about are language skills. But if you can practice the right language skills, you can talk anybody into anything.

How To Disappear Hidden Objections | Mind Persuasion

It's Tough To Overcome Their Objections If You Don't Know What They Are There are two ways to overcome their objections. Preframe or outframe them. Both techniques you require you know what their objections are. But there is a much better way, that doesn't require to know anything at all about their objections.